All right, you asked for it. These are the performance figures for the Mark III, extracted at great risk from Isambard's laboratory. We understand that the Mark I was more heavily protected, but immobile; while the Mark II had an unfortunate tendency to sink. (No ducks were harmed during the construction of these systems.)
TL5+2 ironclad duck One of Isambard Kingdom Earwig's more successful ventures, the Ironclad Duck is a battlesuit for a Mallard. Mostly the users tend to stand around going "wek" a lot; but some of them have now learned that they're largely catproof. Crew: 1 duck. Subassemblies: Vehicle +1, 2xWings -3, 2xLeg -1, Body +0, Turret -4. P&P: 1-kW sterling cycle heat engine (short term access, multi-fueled), 1-kW legged drivetrain (waterborne; short term access) [2xLeg], 200 lbs. thrust light turbofan (vectored thrust; short term access). Fuel: 1 gal self-sealing light fuel tank (fire modifier 0), 1 gal jet fuel (fire 13), 0.1 gal self-sealing light fuel tank (fire modifier 0), 0.1 gal diesel (fire 9). Occ: battlesuit arm control [2xWings], battlesuit leg control [2xLeg], battlesuit body control, battlesuit head control [Turret] Armor F RL B T U Wings 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Leg 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Body 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Turret 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Statistics Size: [LxWxH] 6.97'x1.74'x0.871' Payload: 9.35 lbs. Lwt.: 350 lbs. Volume: 10.6 cf Maint.: 74.9 hours (1.28 mh/day) Price: $71,382 HT: 10 HP: 2 each [2xWings], 3 each [2xLeg], 8 [Body], 1 [Turret]. Without turbofan: Ground Performance: Motive Power 1-kW, Top Speed 20 mph, gAcc 10 mph/s, gDec 20 mph/s, gMR 3, gSR 1, Ground Pressure 104 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 20 mph. Water Performance: Top Speed 5 mph, wAcc 0.1 mph/s, wDec 10 mph/s (10.1 mph/s), wMR 0.75, wSR 4, Draft 0.6 ft, Drag 6, Flotation 385 lbs. With turbofan: Ground Performance: Motive Power 51-kW, Top Speed 160 mph, gAcc 70 mph/s, gDec 20 mph/s, gMR 3, gSR 1, Ground Pressure 104 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 160 mph. Water Performance: Top Speed 60 mph, wAcc 10 mph/s, wDec 10 mph/s (15 mph/s), wMR 0.75, wSR 4, Draft 0.6 ft, Drag 6, Flotation 385 lbs. Air Performance: Motive Thrust 200 lbs., Stall Speed 40 mph, Top Speed 240 mph, Terminal Velocity 316 mph, Glide Speed 127 mph, Glide Ratio 4.71:1, aAccel 10 mph/s, aMR 2.4, aSR 3, aDecel 9.6 mph/s, Take off 5.71 yds, Water Take off 40 yds, Landing 20 yds, Water Landing 40 yds. Design Notes: TL7 extra light frame expensive materials [Vehicle]. TL7 DR 5 expensive metal [Vehicle]. Payload Cost: $3.12 Vehicle Features: electronic controls, waterproofed, fair streamlining. Air Features: STOL wings. Water Features: mediocre lines, flotation, hydrodynamic. Wings: folding wing. Leg: improved suspension. Turret: full rotation. Volume: 0.3 cf [2xWings], 1.61 cf [2xLeg], 6.76 cf [Body], 0.006 cf [Turret]. Area: 6 sf [2xWings], 9 sf [2xLeg], 22 sf [Body], 0.5 sf [Turret]. Empty Space: 0.298 cf [2xWings], 1.6 cf [Body]. Book Options: Vehicles Expansion stall speed.
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Last updated: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:01:33 +0100